Wednesday 27 July 2011

Captain America: The First Avenger review

Marvel’s latest superhero entry, Captain America: The First Avenger, is a movie that works as a superhero film because of Director Joe Johnston, and works as a blockbuster film because of Evans.

Walking into Captain America: The First Avenger was something of a daunting prospect for me. As a long-time comic book geek that now earns a few coins reviewing movies, I feel an attachment to comic book flicks. When they are good, shazam! I happily soak up the comicy goodness and go about my merry way, safe in the knowledge that a beloved property from my childhood (and on) has been honored. When it is bad, I take it somewhat personally — as with the cash grab mess of a cinematic turd known as Green Lantern, which hurt me deep inside.

And so even though the trailers forCaptain America looked good, it was still a tough subject to adapt. You basically have a guy wearing an American flag punching Ratzis in the face in the name of America. It could either be a cool war adventure in the vein of the old serial movie clips, or very, very bad. It could also be problematic for Marvel’s overall plans for world domination by way of uniting the Marvel characters for The Avengers, seeing as how Cap is the heart and soul of the team.

All of that is a moot point, as Captain America is easily one of the best superhero films ever made, and just an overall good movie. It doesn’t have the depth and realism that The Dark Knight had, but it doesn’t try to be. Instead it is closer to an old-school serial adventure, and it is just fun to watch from start to finish.

1 comment:

  1. This is the best movie I've seen this year and, for me, that is big. I've watched The Rise of The Planet of The Apes and the new X-Men movie, but I really liked Captain America. It has a lot of positive messages and different scenes and action parts that keep you interested.
